Keeping Your House in Good Shape this Winter

Things to do Outside:

  • Caulk wood trim around exterior windows and doors. This will help insulate them and stop cold air and leaks from coming through.
  • Check outside drains so water doesn’t seep into your home. Make sure that downspouts are pointing away from the house.
  • Protect pipes from freezing by disconnecting your garden hose from the outside spigot and letting the water drain out.
  • Clean your gutters to ensure no leaves or debris are present.
  • Have the chimney professionally swept if you have a fireplace. Check the damper for proper opening/closing function.
  • Seal masonry surfaces like asphalt driveways and patios to prevent expansion created by ice, which forms cracks. If cracks are present, water intrusion could occur and cause damage.
  • Clear debris off your roof and trim tree limbs so they aren’t in danger of falling on your house.
  • Cover patio furniture or store it to prevent damage from snow and ice.
  • Get shovels, snowblowers and ice melt in accessible areas.

Things to do Inside:

  • Inspect your heating system and make sure to replace your furnace filters.
  • Test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace batteries if needed.
  • Check your doors and windows for drafts. If drafts are present, install proper weather stripping at the gaps.
  • Protect your hot water heater with an insulation blanket. More significant insulation areas such as the attic, walls and crawlspaces should be done before winter.
  • Look in your attic and make sure there aren’t any rodents living there and close up any exterior vents as well.
  • Switch your fans to rotate clockwise, allowing warm air to blow towards the floor to enhance energy efficiency.

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